A historical novel by Forrest E. Hill about "patriot farmer" Francis Marion, known as "The Swamp Fox" for his expertise in fighting the British on his home grounds of South Carolina. Also named the “Genius of Guerilla Warfare,” Francis Marion was instrumental in defeating the British during the American Revolutionary War. The book is well-researched with lots of cool maps and stories, a timeline, and a thorough appendix. An avid and lifelong sailor, Forrest’s fictionalization of Marion’s childhood sea voyage is a favorite passage.
According to Wikipedia, Frances Marion had more places named after him (many dozens), than any other Revolutionary War soldier with the exception of George Washington. Marion County, Florida was given his name by its early settlers from South Carolina.
I am delighted to share this book with our customers. It's a fun read and with its beautiful cover illustration by Meghan Deist presents nicely as a gift for that history lover.
Full disclosure: Forrest Hill is my uncle and in pursuing his passion for history, researched and wrote this just for fun, printing for family and friends. As I reside in Marion County I've got a few local friends wanting a copy so decided to bring it into the shop. More disclosure from Forrest — there are still a couple of type-os but no worries, they don’t detract from the enjoyment of this historical biography.
Enjoy! Paula King, Agapanthus
Dedicated to Charlotte E. Hill
Editor Chad Rhoad
Cover Art Meghan Deist
Inside Illustrations Audrey Lee
8" x 12" Soft cover